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Oscars 2018 – who wins the best speech award?
5/03/2018USA today described last night’s Oscars as a “relatively tame and predictable night”. Is that a fair description? Maybe it was. Maybe it...
Oscar acceptance speeches – and why Liam Neeson may be glad he never won!
3/03/2018The Oscars are just a day away. I’m sure the question on everyone’s’ lips is – Who will be the winners? But there are others who are more...
5 tips for your face to face communications – specifically presentations
11/01/20181. Water, water but never milk! Never drink milk before a presentation as it coats your vocal chords and impedes your vocal impact. ...
3 Funerals and a Wedding
27/11/2017Recently I was approached by 2 people with the same need but for completely different reasons. One of these was a man whose daughter was getting...
Top tips to be more engaging in your business presentations
15/09/2017When you stand up and speak in a presentation, listeners will form an opinion of you, your product or service and your organisation, based on how you...
How to read a presentation without sending the audience to sleep!
30/08/2017We all know that reading a presentation or speech is not ideal, it is better to deliver a presentation as a conversation. However, sometimes for...
PowerPoint Presentations: Top 3 things that annoy audiences most
28/06/2017According to a survey* the 3 things that annoy audiences most about PowerPoint presentations are…..According to a survey* the 3...
5 slightly obscure presentation tips
1/03/20171. Water, water but never milk! Never drink milk before a presentation as it coats your vocal chords and impedes your vocal impact. How...