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This video by Sir Ken Robinson is, apparently, still the most viewed TED talk ever!

Steve Jobs’ Stanford University speech is well worth looking at.

This is a brilliant video about Body Language by Amy Cuddy which shows that how you stand affects your confidence.

A really great talk about how you can use Impostor Syndrome to your benefit.

Matt Abrahams strategic communication expert Stanford – 1 hour recording of him giving a workshop around speaking off the cuff.

A rare interview with Albert Mehrabian.

Setting things straight on the 7-38-55 concept.


It is not so much about presenting but more of a general personal development book which helps a great deal with general people skills. It includes reference to why putting a pencil in your mouth makes you feel happier!

The Jelly Effect
by Andy Bounds

Great book for sales and pitches. A wonderful quote from the book is “most people talk too much, too much of the time!”


This is an interesting article on charisma and your voice.

These tips will help you to “be yourself” when you present.

This step-by-step tutorial shows you how to set up Section Zoom in PowerPoint.

This fascinating article explains how cuteness works by invoking all the senses and strongly attracting our attention by sparking rapid brain activity.

Boston Scientific