Group Presentations

Edmond Gibbons, United Drug 

“This was a very useful few hours. Will make me think more about what I do and I expect it will improve my effectiveness.”...

Eilis Loughrey, Group HR Manager – Gleneagle Hotel Group 

“Would really recommend this course.  Very interactive, fast paced, safe environment, with lots of opportunities to practice.”...

Denis Creighton, Ex CEO FEXCO MBSO

“Barbara is extremely frank and specific on what needs to change… her style is inclusive and energetic.”...

Open Masterclass Attendee 

“I really enjoyed the workshop and Majella was just super! I must say being videod was so helpful and a great way to see for yourself the areas that you need to improve on and also the areas that you are good in”....

Area Manager, Gartner Ireland 

“The course was exceptionally well tailored to audience… got great reviews and drove meaningful results very quickly.”...

Lisa Toner, Hubspot

“Amanda was fantastic – explained well & her techniques were so practical & valuable.”...

Imelda Casey, O2 Ireland (Now 3)

“Barbara has great energy and this provides the students with great motivation. Gives examples and demonstrates very well on how particular tips & tricks can help.”...