Please find below the webinar recording along with links to a PDF version of the slides, and further information / useful resources which we think you may find handy.
If we can help you or your team to communicate with impact, whether virtually or face-to-face, do please get in touch.
Top Tips for Dealing with Questions in a Presentation!
View a recording of the webinar below.
Sharon’s Tutorials
As mentioned in the Webinar, Sharon has a business called Sharon’s Tutorials where she helps small business owners maximise their free Google workspace with easy-to-follow online courses, mini classes and video tutorials. You can check out her website here.
Recommended Reading

The Jelly Effect
by Andy Bounds
Great book for sales and pitches. A wonderful quote from the book is “most people talk too much, too much of the time!”

by Amy Cuddy
We cannot recommend this highly enough for everything to do with body language, how it affects how others perceive you but also how it affects you internally.
On Your Feet Channel
Below are a couple of our videos regarding virtual presentations, which you might find helpful. If you want to stay up to date with our latest videos, please subscribe to our channel by clicking here.
More Videos
This brilliant video about Body Language by Amy Cuddy, basically proves that how you stand affects your confidence.
How to speak so that people want to listen, Julian Treasure, includes vocal tips.
This is the TEDx talk by our founder Barbara Moynihan: “You probably are more intelligent than you think you are” – which has been referred to in previous webinars with regards to the David Beckham slide.
Blog Links
Below is a selection of our most popular blogs:
Step-by-step Tutorial for using the Section Zoom tool.
Tips for presenting to a Hybrid audience.
What is rhetoric & why should you use it in presentations?
Tips to keep your virtual audience engaged.
Tips to encourage people to turn on their cameras.
Tips to help boost your confidence when presenting.
Miscellaneous and Kit
Below are a few tools which we find useful when giving presentations, in-person or virtually:
Solo Speed Test Exercise – download here.
The Logitech R700 Wireless Presentation Remote presenter that has a built in timer – link on Amazon UK.
The Logitech C920 Webcam – link on
The Yeti Blue Nano Professional Microphone – link on Amazon UK.
Light Ring for using with smartphone (rechargeable) – link on Amazon UK.
Light Ring for using with video including tripod – link on Amazon UK.
Standing Desk – link on AJ Products Ireland.
Tool to help with eye contact and teleprompting – link on Plexicam*.
(*Please note: this is an affiliate link. If you purchase through this link, we will receive a small commission at no extra cost to you.)